Meeting on September 24, 2021

We hope that you, your family, friends, and neighbors had a safe Holiday. 

He held our in-person Annual Meeting & Board of Directors Meeting on September 24, 2021 at the Menefee Library. Our board of directors Catherine Glover, Paul Rourman and Silvio Brigliadoro were present, we had Emmet, a representative from Diversified Management. The directors talked about the importance of filling out the age verification form and Silvio clarified that this is a Federal Mandatory Requirement to retain our status as a Senior community without committing an act of discrimination. We have mailed these forms out multiple times, each mailing costs a good portion of our annual dues. We realize everyone does not have a computer or printer to print the forms from the website or emails, but because this is a mandatory requirement, fines will be imposed to those that do not complete the form every 2 years or every time a new tenant moves into our community. If we continue to send out so many mailings, our budget will run out and dues would have to be increased. Ask friends, neighbors or family members to help you. Electronic e-mails are the best way to save money and keep our dues down; please make sure you provide your most current email to Diversified Management. 

We had Guest speakers from the Menifee Police Department addressing many of our homeowner concerns and agreed to increase patrol of our area.  They stated they post crimes committed in our community on social media and are working hard within legal guidelines to address the homeless issues and drugs. Owners can call directly and officers will be dispatched based on the priority of crimes currently needing attention. Sun City Hermosa community is an open community on City streets, any and all safety and security concerns must be reported to the Menifee Police Department. Police Dep Emergency phone number: 951-894-6530 and NON-emergency: 951-677-4969. For neighbor to neighbor disputes, please call The City of Menifee, which offers a Dispute Resolution Center where arguments can be mediated. 951-955-4900 or

Identity theft nationwide is rampant with seniors targeted for fraud. Our police department urges all of us to get shredders and shred our bills, credit card offers, and bank statements, and anything with our names and numbers on the papers.  Checks should be written with Gel Pens instead of regular ink pins so that the names and amounts cannot be removed by criminals with cleaners. The community members expressed appreciation to the Police Dept. for added patrol of our streets.

The SUN CITY HERMOSA NEIGHBORHOOD SENIOR YARD CLEAN UP WORK DAY was a success, over 14+ homeowners benefited from free services. Please contact Wade from Habitat for any questions, they also have a program for a painting called “Brush with Kindness”  please contact them for help painting your home at 951-296-3362.

GRANTS to replace ROOFS: In our recent community inspection, we’ve noticed many roofs are in need of replacement, the City of Menifee has a Grant Program to assist income-eligible seniors and/or permanently disabled homeowners in making their homes more accessible, safe, and healthy. This is a great program, unfortunately, there is a waiting list, please contact Edna Lebrón to get on the list. email: or (951) 723-3713.  

ARCHITECTURAL REVIEWS: No alteration shall be made to the exterior design or color of any structure, landscaping, fencing, roof, paint, etc. unless the Board shall have first approved such alteration. AVOID FINES or HAVING TO REDO THE WORK CORRECTLY!  Please DOWNLOAD the form from our website and submit your proposed maintenance or improvements by filling out an architectural form and uploading it to your resident portal at:  


Many of you have received courtesy violation letters asking for your help and cooperation in maintaining and keeping your property or rental in good condition as well as maintaining and the upkeep of your lawn, bushes, trees, fences, paint, trash out of site, etc. As members of this community, it is our obligation, which each of us has SIGNED and AGREED upon purchasing our homes to respect and comply with these provisions in our CC&R’s. We have conducted several on-site community inspections, have mailed out many violation letters, and we are not getting cooperation from the community. We are soon going to schedule hearings on violations and bill your account fines and penalties. Delinquent homeowners have been given plenty of notices to bring their account current, Diversified Management will begin filing liens on these delinquent homeowners, the cost to these homeowners will be in the thousands of dollars. We urge you to bring your account current now. 

Diversified Management has said that they get a large number of calls and many screaming owners, upset and not willing to cooperate. The volume of calls and the continued requests needed to get the community cleaned up, senior community forms returned, and delinquencies paid have triggered a monthly increase, Diversified Management monthly fees were increased from the original $1275.00 per month to the new rate of $1625.00. 

If certain owners continue to avoid compliance, they will cause annual dues to be increased for all of us in the community. We ask for your cooperation, please get involved, look around at the homes around you, offer owners the resources we have so these owners can get in compliance. 


Your board of Directors. 

Our new website:

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Diversified Association Management

Office: 714.544.7755 | Fax: 714.544.7771


Categories: 2022