August 2022

Hi Sun City Hermosa CCC Residents!

We hope you have been enjoying your summer! We wanted to supply you with an informational newsletter that will help you know what is currently going on in the community.

The Sun City Hermosa CCC board is made up of volunteers who care about every resident in the community. The board is a mix of owner occupant and non-owner occupant members that work together diligently with the goal of improving the Sun City Hermosa community. There are many selfless hours of work that go into making this happen. The community has improved significantly, and values have increased thanks to the hard work of this community board. We are committed to continuing this trend. Please remember improvements take time and we need the cooperation from the residents to be successful. And keep in mind we are volunteering our time.

There are many violations in this community that require letters being sent out, hearings that are set up and attended for the residents who don’t fix the violations, liens that need to be filed, etc. If we don’t get cooperation from the resident when that first letter is sent out, then the board and management must spend extra time and fees to help get that violation cleared. All residents are bound by the same community rules, and we care about keeping this community in good standing for all residents no matter if they are owner or non-owner occupied. We have done several Walk-through community inspections, mailed out more than 200 violation letters, and have held hearings for over 100 owners. We currently are working on 100 violations, and we have 60+ owners’ hearings. Many owners that were delinquent for months (even years) have had liens filed and may soon face possible foreclosure proceedings unless they become current. All of this was done in the last few months. We are looking forward to more great improvements in our community this year and beyond. Please help us by making sure your property and roof are in compliance, review our review CC&Rs at our website:

COMMUNITY INSPECTIONS: Walk through community inspections are performed quarterly and at random. Management and board members walk the community looking at roofs, landscape, and other miscellaneous violations. Letters are sent to the resident to request correction on what needs to be done. Further collection action is taken when the violations letters go unanswered. Your cooperation is needed and greatly appreciated to keep current and to hold onto the value of our homes. If there is a problem or you need assistance, please contact Diversified Management via email to:

AGE VERIFICATION FORMS: This is a Federal mandatory requirement to retain our status as a Senior community. Fines are imposed on those that do not complete the form every 2 years or every time a new tenant moves in. This form is always available as a download on our website below. If you haven’t submitted this form within the last 2 years, we require you to fill it out and send it to Diversified Association Management as soon as possible.

ARCHITECTURAL REVIEWS: All exterior alterations in design or color of any structure, landscaping, fencing, roof, paint, etc. need to have board approval before any work can be started. This approval will avoid fines or redoing any work you may have done. The form is available as a download in our website below; once completed please send it to Diversified Association Management for board approval.

GARBAGE PICK UP: Garbage pickup is scheduled for Thursday (unless it is a holiday week, then it could be postponed a day). Trash containers cannot be put out until after 3PM the day before and taken off the street before sundown on day of pick up. Per the rules of our community association, trash containers are not to be visible from the street. For bulk pick up, you must be a customer of Waste Management. There are up to 4 free bulk pick ups a year but they must be scheduled. Residents must schedule at least 48 hrs in advance.

The annual election meeting is scheduled for October 06, 2022 @ 5:00 pm via Zoom. Meeting information will be shared via the ballot packet.

Here is a list of phone numbers for your convenience:
Southern California Gas 909-307-7070
Southern California Edison 1-800-655-4555
Eastern Municipal Water 951-928-3777
Waste Management 1-866-909-4458
Animal Control 951-674-0618
Police Non Emergency 951-677-4964 Please dial 911 if emergency
Fire Non Emergency 951-940-6900 Please dial 911 if emergency

There are many new and exciting things happening in the town of Menifee. Below are some websites for you to gain more information as to the happenings in our town:

Kindest Regards,
Your board of Directors.
Sun City Hermosa CCC Website:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Andre J. Lecce | DIRECTOR |
180 E. Main Street, Suite 101, Tustin, CA 92780
Direct: 714-544-7755 Ext. 201 | Email:
Owner Portal Access:
After Hours Call/Texting Service: 858-876-7870

Categories: 2022