August 7, 2022

Dear Sun City Hermosa CCC Association Homeowner:
The Annual Meeting of the Membership and Election of Directors for the Sun City
Hermosa CCC Homeowners Association will be held at 5:00pm on October 6,
2022 and will be held virtually via Zoom.
The PURPOSE of the meeting is to elect TWO (2) members to the Association’s
Board of Directors and to conduct such other business as may properly come
before the meeting. TWO (2) directors will be elected for a TWO (2) year term.
The owner(s) of each lot shall have a total of TWO (2) votes, which can be
cumulated. A ballot which casts more than TWO (2) votes will be disqualified.
Candidates to appear on the ballot:
• Silvio Brigliadoro
Write-in names will be accepted on the ballot as well. Candidate’s Nomination
Forms can be found online at:
• Ballots will be sent to you directly at a minimum of 30 days from the election.
• Ballots are to be submitted by mail no later than October 2, 2022.
• Ballots are to be sent directly to our inspectors of election, Third Party
Voting, at PO Box 460232, Escondido, CA 92046-9845.
Third Party Voting
Inspectors of Election

Members Rights to Request – Requests can be made to
• A member may submit a request to have association documents and notices sent to
up to two (2) different specified addresses, pursuant to Civil Code Section 4040(b).
• Association members have the option to receive this notice by individual delivery,
pursuant to Civil Code Section 4045(b).
• Members are permitted to verify the accuracy of their individual information on the
Candidate Registration list and Voter lists, pursuant to Civil Code Section 5105(a, 7).

Categories: 2022